type 1 on Red Button to open mobile friendly adding

click see inside and check the code its written add <codename> to code type that code name and see if its same if same then the machine AI will work

or click 1 it will say all the things in code

space to add code move 10 steps

up arrow to run 

down arrow to delete code

right arrow to add rotate right

a to add point torwards mouse pointer

flag to run

b to add glide to random position,

c to add say hello

hold to run much faster

d to add change size by 10

e to add change size by -10

f to add create clone of myself

g to add delete clone

h to add ask whats my name

i to add move -10 steps

j to add next costume

k to add play sound meow

L to delete one code

m to add speak hello

n to set draggable

o to set not draggable

9 to change backdrop

press red circle to stop the project

press the plus button and type cheat to get magic

Remix and add custom Booleans code to make it work

key 8 to add if key pressed say hello

how to get code-

click see inside and check the code its written add <codename> to code type that code name and see if its same if same then the machine AI will work

p to make player pick 1-10

q to brodcast lol

r to speak lol

every 1 minute or 60 seconds you will get 5 score

when you get 50 score you win

s to turn video on

t to turn video off

2 to hide

3 to show

4 to add wait for 1 seconds

u to add play piano 60 for 0.25 beats

v to change tempo (input the nunber of tempo)

Booleans exist now-

eg Cheat. 

Cheat boolean can be used on green add button not red

Development log

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